Thomas Kaisen
Water for Zoungbomey, Benin, W. Africa

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The six member project team testing our chlorination system for the first time. Photo by B. Striebig.
During my Sophomore year in the engineering program, I worked with five other students to develop a household chlorination system that could be used with a ceramic water filter, such as the ones in Benin, Africa. This chlorination system would purify the water after filtration, resulting in an improved water quality. We conducted research on Benin to better understand our intended users for the project. The advisor of the project, Dr. Striebig, was able to give background data on .
Benin from several trips he has made and the work he has done with the Songhai Center. Other professors, such as Dr. Henriques and Dr. Ogundipe, from the engineering department helped to give insight on how to design and implement projects for developing countries. We researched current chlorination methods being used in developing countries. We evaluated these methods and chose components that would be best suited for our intended users. We used materials that were cheap and easily available in Benin to develop our prototypes. Our deliverable for the class was to present a proposal for our chlorination system to the Rotary Club as a hopeful sponsor allowing the project to be implemented in Benin.